“Greencity Freiburg” – interactive & online
Our online seminars for experts and universities take an in-depth look at the “Green City”. We present the ecological, economic and social aspects of sustainable urban development in Freiburg and discuss them with you. In lectures and virtual excursions, we explore local and regional projects and experience first-hand their development process: What was the reason and who was the initiator?
Top themes at “Greencity Freiburg” are: climate protection, urban planning, energy, mobility, architecture, social innovations, waste and water management and “green business”. According to the motto “think globally – act locally”, we do not stop at the local perspective, but relate the issues to the national, European and global level.
Our interactive seminars can be individually designed depending on the desired focus and time budget. An introductory half-day seminar is just as possible as a compact, multi-day block seminar or a multi-week seminar with units that build on each other.
For universities, the seminars can be planned in a way that the students take an active part by presenting individual topics or working on projects.