Paprikas instead of Parking
This education project took place on two days during the summer months at the convertible garden in the Freiburg Modal District Vauban. The project involved young adults and school classes.
The following questions were answered within the framework of this project:
What investments in parking lots and streets could be saved in a parking-free city district? How many vegetable plants can be grown and harvested on the amount of space usually used for traffic purposes? How do you plant raised beds? What do worms get fed on the worm farm? How much ground area is necessary for obtaining adequate nutrition depending on whether we’re eating a meat-inclusive, vegetarian or vegan diet? Is the current amount of agricultural land we have enough or do we claim land in the tropical forest in Brazil? How much ground area disappears in Germany daily?
Organisation: Innovation Academy e.V.
Cooperation partners: Convertible garden Vauban, Club for car-free living e.V., United World College
Support: Education for the Sustainable Development of the City of Freiburg